Swimming back from this far county as my soul drowned in despair
I knew it was unusual to leak sweat as I traced back my steps,
and although it wasn't hot enough, its like I could sense dehydration causing my spirit to become faint
The presence of that living water became faint
But I guess I was unconscious to the subconscious dismissal of this overflowing well Isaac dug in this foreign land for me as my conciousness of the world grew
I could've sworn I was light headed in the right direction
Like I was one step away from the collapse of my prodigal heart
This mirage of righteousness at my countenance, this escape from the world seeming prevalent its
Like I could almost taste the anticipation although my throat ran dry cause of all the running from those demons My,
thirst for transformation was like Abimelech when he needed Isaac in need of restoration of those life sustaining wells
thirst for transformation was like Abimelech when he needed Isaac in need of restoration of those life sustaining wells
but then like a horror filled fairytale my hallucinations became tainted
trembling, trying to turn back while this traducement teased at my torment tainted
tarnished as it trespassed that transcendent topography tainted
And it kept flashing back at me
And it kept flashing back at me
Whip lashing every time I looked back at sin staring right back at me
It's like it knew my spiritual anatomy,
Conceived the conspiracy of my Christ lain corpse
And the rebirth of my sins grew back into my thoughts
Conceived the conspiracy of my Christ lain corpse
And the rebirth of my sins grew back into my thoughts
Manipulated the parts of me most in need of a revival
Making it feel difficult to turn back to the Bible
But Its all I've got
And no matter how many times my imaginary middle ground got my self harmed
to the point where sin became that painful addiction,
Although its relapses became violent, not knowing my complacency caused it to become domestic,
And even when I became sick bathing in this lukewarm ocean,
despite the amount of lather I added to revitalize the aroma
This agony my heart of stone couldn't bear any longer, and at the voice of the Word forced my sinful desires to commit suicide
So before I didn't wake up to see tomorrow come, because of my ungratefulness of His protection
Before I wheezed my last breath because I used it in sin rather than to glorify HimBefore I don't remember yesterday because I failed to acknowledge His faithfulness from the time I was conceived
Before sin dilapidates the foundation I built with Christ, before my rejection on earth results to rejection of salvation
I'll surrender,
This is my sacrifice, for my life with Christ.
But Its all I've got
And no matter how many times my imaginary middle ground got my self harmed
to the point where sin became that painful addiction,
Although its relapses became violent, not knowing my complacency caused it to become domestic,
And even when I became sick bathing in this lukewarm ocean,
despite the amount of lather I added to revitalize the aroma
This agony my heart of stone couldn't bear any longer, and at the voice of the Word forced my sinful desires to commit suicide
So before I didn't wake up to see tomorrow come, because of my ungratefulness of His protection
Before I wheezed my last breath because I used it in sin rather than to glorify HimBefore I don't remember yesterday because I failed to acknowledge His faithfulness from the time I was conceived
Before sin dilapidates the foundation I built with Christ, before my rejection on earth results to rejection of salvation
I'll surrender,
This is my sacrifice, for my life with Christ.