Sometimes we like to hand pick the Gospel.
Interpret it in a way that best suits our own will, or more bluntly leave out the parts that we don't want to hear.Probably because we like to think because we're still youthful, its too early to be as serious for Christ as my mum is;
Or maybe because we just don't want to let go of our worldly habits - those habits that make us indifferent to everyone else and we're still comfortable with them because they're what we are used to, it's what we've grown with.
The truth is the parts of the Bible we choose to disregard or find uncomfortable, are parts that our heart knows if we are to submit to them, we'd have to change a large quantity of what we see as 'ourselves', be it a particular trait, or if it means letting go of an obsession, ultimately what it all comes down to is altering that part of you that has you entwined within human nature subconsciously keeping you victim of the plans of the enemy.
However, where I really wanted to take you is a place where we can learn to understand the Bible's importance to our daily lives, and understand what its really telling us.
Something I realised today was that although as Christians we are saved through Jesus Christ, the Christian walk isn't going to be a straight road whereby everything in life will become easier for us and just because we are saved means we will not suffer the afflictions many people in the Bible suffered -
Sometimes we need to recognise that our Christian walk doesn't only consist of being comforted in Psalms or being praised for the good works we do for Jesus in Paul's letters, because some of us only want to hear the soothing type of scriptures but cannot stand the convictions found in Romans, some of us don't want to acknowledge the hardships Joseph suffered in Genesis which was only the beginning of it all!
One thing we can be certain of is there is nothing we can suffer that Jesus has not already dealt with, our troubles, our iniquities, our transgressions, everything we can think of Jesus took it all with Him on the cross when he died for us.
There are so many things I can't wait to share, but I just want you to ponder on something.
When you hop on a bus, you trust the bus driver to get you to your destination safely right? It doesn't even cross you're mind to ask him or her how many years of driving experience he may have had even if you were trying to act paranoid -
Because in the last year alone in the UK there were 185,540 road causalities reported, including 1,730 fatalities but it is only by God's grace that we are here today.
We serve a covenant keeping God and His faithfulness is unquestionable, He is our Strength and our Shield & we are protected by the blood He shed on Calvary.
I thank God for what He has laid on my heart today, His Word has always been a catalyst when it comes to fulfilling my desires as long as they are according to His will, but let this be an introduction to my blog.
Jeremiah 20:8-9
Whenever I speak, I cry out proclaiming violence and destruction.
So the word of the Lord has brought me insult and reproach all day long.9 But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,”
his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
Love & Blessings,
Melissa-Ann Rose