In Sync
What kind of relationship do you have with Christ?
A secure broadband connection?
Or a wavering dial up connection? Dependent on your surroundings or outside factors and conditions?
Or a wavering dial up connection? Dependent on your surroundings or outside factors and conditions?
Maintaining a faithful relationship with God is an open invitation to have spiritual encounters with Him.
But one of the areas we as Christians fall is understanding our position in this relationship -
We find it hard to grow with Christ, because as mentioned in the earlier post 'Passion', some of us are still yearning for worldly desires due to the lack of knowledge concerning the promises God has declared for us to receive, and therefore it's a struggle to maintain this relationship if God knows what's best for us but we're still 'flirting with sin' as my youth leader would say.
We need to trust in the Lord, and be patient as He unravels the plans He has for us.
One of our major purposes as Christians is to be a vessel whereby God can intervene through us and move in our generation.
Christ came and demonstrated the way by which we must follow, and although Christ had died and risen, an advocate has been left on our behalf which is the Holy Spirit who is our immediate relation to Christ because He lives in us, therefore we must avail ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to manifest His glory through us, because ultimately our everlasting God is still living and is still in control, all we have to do is trust in Him.
In order for God to intervene and save this decaying world, as ambassadors of Christ we are in the position to carry out God's will.
If we look closer into the modern role of an ambassador,
A successful ambassador is someone who understands and has knowledge of the afflictions concerning their representative(s).
Therefore, being an ambassador for Christ means we need to understand and have knowledge of the things God is telling us through the Word of God.
But we can't merely read the Bible and draw conclusions from it, we have to pray without ceasing and hear from God the desires of His heart concerning our generation by being empowered by the Holy Spirit for our understanding,
And as we start to develop this kind of relationship we begin to understand our purpose in this position of righteousness He has placed us in order to intervene in worldly affairs and proclaim the gospel.
And as we start to develop this kind of relationship we begin to understand our purpose in this position of righteousness He has placed us in order to intervene in worldly affairs and proclaim the gospel.
Quickly looking back to when we first met Christ,
We were not convicted by the convincing of man, we were convicted by the authoritative power of the Word of God.
We were not convicted by the convincing of man, we were convicted by the authoritative power of the Word of God.
Therefore as ambassadors we need to stand firm in His Word and proclaim truth, but at the same time submit and give way for the Holy Spirit to convict people through you who don't know Christ.
If you think about it,
When you develop a relationship with someone, many of the emotions they feel are easily passed onto us because we have that mutual connection with them.
We need to desire to be at a place in our relationship with God whereby whenever we are faced with things that aren't according to His will, things that break Gods heart will easily break ours and we'll be in a position to make that appeal for God.
We need to desire to be at a place in our relationship with God whereby whenever we are faced with things that aren't according to His will, things that break Gods heart will easily break ours and we'll be in a position to make that appeal for God.
Our mutual connection with God is made evident because we are operating as empty vessels and fruit of the spirit such as wisdom will be synchronised into our spirit at times we are faced with arguments that could result to foolishness;
Patience will be synchronised in order to tolerate ignorance and opposition,
And most importantly love.
God is love, and He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us in order for our salvation.
God is love, and He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us in order for our salvation.
We have been crucified with Christ so that we no longer live but Christ lives in us - (Gal 2:20)
Therefore by this process of synchronisation we are equipped to function like Christ by the grace of God.
However, we have to stay connected to Him in order for the sync to be successful and to be able to function like a true ambassador of Christ.
There is nothing too impossible for God to do in His will,
We just need to avail ourselves to Him, and let the Holy Spirit take absolute control.
Trust in Him, and all is well.
Love & Blessings,
Melissa Ann Rose
There is nothing too impossible for God to do in His will,
We just need to avail ourselves to Him, and let the Holy Spirit take absolute control.
Trust in Him, and all is well.
Love & Blessings,
Melissa Ann Rose
2 Corinthians 5:20
New King James Version (NKJV)
20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ,
as though God were pleading through us:
we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.
as though God were pleading through us:
we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.