
Have You Taken Your Position?

Have you taken up that role God has ordained you as part of doing works for the Kingdom of God, or perhaps still in the process of finding?

As children of God the fruit of the Spirit has equipped us in order to be able to fulfil Gods will and enable Gods plan concerning our lives to come to pass.

God knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb and the plans He has for man are for us to be a prosperous nation.
And because God knew you before you had even been born, there is a reason as to why He decided to breathe you into existence this present day, 
He knew your existence would be able to create a move in your generation, He knew you will be able to form an impact that will touch people of your generation,
because God set us apart for a higher purpose, He has given an instruction to man to go out and proclaim the Good News of the Gospel,
And the reason why God has breathed you to existence this present day, is because He knows you are able to break the bondages the enemy has people of the world entwined in.
The enemy has tampered with people of the world in a way that a man doesn't need to be blind in order to have no vision.
Jesus Christ who Is the Light of the World, came to bring us out of darkness, and can ultimately restore the vision of those who haven't even heard of Him,
The enemy has manipulated people of a world in a sense that a man doesn't need to be deaf in order to have lost his hearing,
Because the confusion of the world has convinced them that the God we serve is not real, and these are all means which have been constructed by the enemy in order to bring destruction to the Church
But as God's people, we aren't here to solely convince them into serving God, because our words aren't as authoritative as God's own Word
The Word of God is Living and Active, so when we preach to people the Word of God the Holy Spirit will take absolute control.

God wants to restore that relationship with people who are victim of the enemy's deception, confusion, lies, manipulation, grief, depression and the list continues
But when we look back to the fall of man, and when sin brought separation between man and God, there needed to be a means whereby God can show man the way and bring upon salvation.
But In order for God to appear to man, He had to become man
And through Jesus Christ He has brought us an indefinable and incorruptible means to salvation. 
Now that God has left us the Holy Spirit it is our turn to do our part.
God cannot reveal Himself to people that have not accepted Him, therefore the means to someone else being able to receive Christ is though the Church
And what we are as Christians is to be that frontline, we have been equipped with the Holy Spirit who will captivate those we evangelise to, we just need to take our position.

Some people are afraid to be on the frontline because they feel that they need to get to a certain spiritual level before they can help someone else.
We have that help ourselves first before others mentality.
Some people feel as though their role to play in the Kingdom of God isn't as significant of a role a pastor plays,
Or we feel as though we're not ready to be elevated to a certain level and we let others get put forward,
An example being people may think that cleaning up after service isn't good enough to elevate us to where we ought to be in Christ, so either we don't do it or when the moment comes of elevation we let it pass because that's what we are doing and we don't feel ready.
We need to diminish the kind of mentality that only a type of person or someone at this kind of level is only able to be elevated.
Because when the prophet Samuel came to look for the new king,
and all the brothers but one were ready, standing at the frontline
Samuel asked if he had another son which was David that was ploughing in the field, excluded from this ceremony the entire city was aware of
Now if we put ourselves in David's shoes at this time, all his brothers and father were at this ceremony and he was left alone ploughing at the field
we'd probably be feeling lonely, unimportant,
but here Samuel tells us that young David, whatsoever his circumstances is going to be King

We don't realise our moment of anointing, our moment of God manifesting His glory in our lives can come at any given time.
No matter what role you play in the body, whatever our circumstances we need to be ready to be used by God, we have to be at the frontline expecting that move of God in your life, because everyone in the body of the Church has their own individual function and you will be needed soon.

In our process of waiting we need to build ourselves up with courage and boldness.
God isn't going to wait on us, because if He finds you asleep at the time He is ready to anoint you, He can give that anointing to someone else who is ready at the frontline, waiting on Him.

So are you going to stand affirm on the frontline, building yourself up by speaking the Word of God, at the same time we are firming someone else's foundation in Christ? 
Or are you going to stay asleep, and let the anointing pass you by.

The front line is the line of military who are positioned closest to the enemy. 
Jesus Christ has already overcome death, sin, and the enemy, so when we stand with Christ we will overcome because we are more than conquerors.

God Bless You,
Melissa-Ann Rose

And He said to this tsm, Go and e - Mark 16:15 (NKJV) 
For as we have many members in one body, 
but all the members do not have the same function, 
so we, being many, are one body in Christ, 
 and individually members of one another. - Romans 12:4-5 (NKJV) 



Do you remember how you felt when you first met Christ?

The warmness of love that consumed your heart in exchange for your bitterness,
The abundance of joy you were filled with in exchange for your pain,
Peace in exchange for disorder, Patience in exchange for irritability,
Kindness in exchange for mercilessness, Goodness in exchange for wickedness
And Faithfulness to restore parts of you that were faithless.

Do you remember that first personal encounter with God?

The first time you actually realised God is, and always has been working on your behalf?
And I say it like that because it's only until a particular manifestation of God in your life that we realise there has been so many blessings we have overlooked because we have been so focused on our own desires,
We don't realise that during the process of waiting God has been building us up, depositing things in our heart for the preparation of the plans He has for us.

These are the times we have been obedient to His Word and established a healthy relationship with God through prayer,
And then we have this kind of relationship with God that takes us to another dimension of understanding, that we begin to realise that many things we desired when we weren't as devoted to the Word, cannot even compare to the things God wants us to receive, those previous desires cannot even compare to the things God has promised us in His Word.

As we begin to have a stronger relationship with God and begin to understand His word more, our desires change because of the things we have heard our God can do for us. Let me explain.
For example, there may be a situation where someone is in doubt and doesn't think they will pass a year because of a certain teacher, and pray things like 'God I pray this teacher doesn't make me fail.'
But once we begin to pray and meditate on the Word more, our knowledge of His Word grows with us.
And because of our increased knowledge of the Word, we will know that God's grace is sufficient, not only for that person to pass that year alone but enough to sustain him throughout every year of education, therefore hindrances like negativity won't even be able to supersede the power of God because this is what we have through Jesus Christ.
Instead, we will begin to pray prayers like asking God to exchange our heart of stone for a heart of flesh, asking God for patience and self control, so that when we do come across people that may be a hindrance to our success, we already know God is working on our behalf and we will be able to conduct ourselves in a way that will confuse the enemy! Can you imagine, something the enemy planned to provoke a retaliation but instead our spirit does the opposite. The enemy's finite mind cannot even try to undermine God's infinite mind, especially when our spirit is being lead by an infinite God, the devil doesn't stand a chance at all.

So we've taken a walk down memory lane, and some of these experiences may sound familiar. 

However, for us to have experienced God, we must have known God. But for us to have known God, we must have heard God. So how did we hear God?

Our ultimate source today to hear God, know God, is the Bible, but what about the times when the Bible wasn't written? Then how would people have known about the Word of God?

People who already knew, people who experienced, and people who saw, they all spoke.

Evangelism is so key concerning our Christian walk, because every manifestation, every blessing, everything that comes from God is good! And when we know or hear about good news what do you do? You tell people about it !

How selfish would it be of us to withhold all this good news from people that don't know truth? or haven't even heard truth?
From people that are perishing because of their ignorance?
From people that think that God doesn't hear them when they pray. when in reality it's not the prayer that is at fault but because they lack knowledge of Gods will concerning their lives.

God has a plan for us in order to prosper, for a future and a hope. When we get closer to God the things we used to desire will change, the Holy Spirit will put in us new desires that are in line with God's will, and then we will see another dimension of God's faithfulness.

Romans 10:14-15 (NIV)

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? 
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? 
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 
15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? 
As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Love & Blessings,
Melissa-Ann Rose



Sometimes we like to hand pick the Gospel.

Interpret it in a way that best suits our own will, or more bluntly leave out the parts that we don't want to hear.
Probably because we like to think because we're still youthful, its too early to be as serious for Christ as my mum is;
Or maybe because we just don't want to let go of our worldly habits - those habits that make us indifferent to everyone else and we're still comfortable with them because they're what we are used to, it's what we've grown with.
The truth is the parts of the Bible we choose to disregard or find uncomfortable, are parts that our heart knows if we are to submit to them, we'd have to change a large quantity of what we see as 'ourselves', be it a particular trait, or if it means letting go of an obsession, ultimately what it all comes down to is altering that part of you that has you entwined within human nature subconsciously keeping you victim of the plans of the enemy.

However, where I really wanted to take you is a place where we can learn to understand the Bible's importance to our daily lives, and understand what its really telling us.
Something I realised today was that although as Christians we are saved through Jesus Christ, the Christian walk isn't going to be a straight road whereby everything in life will become easier for us and just because we are saved means we will not suffer the afflictions many people in the Bible suffered -
Sometimes we need to recognise that our Christian walk doesn't only consist of being comforted in Psalms or being praised for the good works we do for Jesus in Paul's letters, because some of us only want to hear the soothing type of scriptures but cannot stand the convictions found in Romans, some of us don't want to acknowledge the hardships Joseph suffered in Genesis which was only the beginning of it all!
One thing we can be certain of is there is nothing we can suffer that Jesus has not already dealt with, our troubles, our iniquities, our transgressions, everything we can think of Jesus took it all with Him on the cross when he died for us.

There are so many things I can't wait to share, but I just want you to ponder on something.

When you hop on a bus, you trust the bus driver to get you to your destination safely right? It doesn't even cross you're mind to ask him or her how many years of driving experience he may have had even if you were trying to act paranoid -

Because in the last year alone in the UK there were 185,540 road causalities reported, including 1,730 fatalities but it is only by God's grace that we are here today.

We serve a covenant keeping God and His faithfulness is unquestionable, He is our Strength and our Shield & we are protected by the blood He shed on Calvary.

I thank God for what He has laid on my heart today, His Word has always been a catalyst when it comes to fulfilling my desires as long as they are according to His will, but let this be an introduction to my blog.

Jeremiah 20:8-9

Whenever I speak, I cry out    proclaiming violence and destruction.
So the word of the Lord has brought me    insult and reproach all day long.But if I say, “I will not mention his word    or speak anymore in his name,”
his word is in my heart like a fire,    a fire shut up in my bones.I am weary of holding it in;    indeed, I cannot.

Love & Blessings,
Melissa-Ann Rose